domingo, 17 de enero de 2010

Reel 2010

JCO Reel 2010 from jordi Coll on Vimeo.

this is my latest show reel to date. its made from personal and profesional work,
below there is the breakdown of what I exactly did in all the scenes.

lunes, 11 de enero de 2010

rigging Mel script

lately I've been improving my mel script skills, which where nonexistent.

I managed to wrote some scripts for fast rigging, a biped character. it's still very crude at this stage but at least, it works. here is a little demo. which of course its been speeded up at 5x. so that nodody gets borred.

the second part of the video is a little app that I wrote to organize the fk-ik switches and worldspace switches.

hope you find it interesting.